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Good This I Believe Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Gamification in Education
Gamification in Education Frequently the term â€Å"gamification†is met with contention, obstruction and disarray, as it isn't totally clear what is implied by its usage into instruction. In the event that you strip away the entirety of the extra data that has been included throughout the years, gamification is essentially including components that are normally identified with games or game-like exercises into the study hall. A few instances of these highlights include: focuses, an emphasis on rivalry and an away from of rules. This doesn't simply mean games that are utilized in the study hall yet rather exercises or undertakings that have game-like highlights added to them. This is a significant contrast to note. It appears as though a direct idea however it is normally ineffectively executed inside training. This abuse can extend from gamification being a gentle yet pointless interruption right to changing an instructive program into a sham of games taking on the appearance of learning openings. In this article we will take a gander at the best utilization of gamification and how it can expand the general maintenance of data. We will likewise give a scope of strategies to effectively bring gamification into ordinary study hall exercises without it turning into a misuse of the student’s time.  More Complex Than Playing Games Frequently understudies, instructors and guardians wrongly think that gamification is basically adding games to the study hall. There is a well known scope of games that are viewed as instructive yet this isn't equivalent to the idea of gamification. This is clarified further in an incredible article by Steven Isaacs. To more readily comprehend the key contrasts between games, game-based exercises and gamification, here are a few focuses to consider: Win or Lose? In gamification there isn't generally a worked in possibility of losing. The object is to persuade the understudies to learn or to make a move and accordingly there shouldn’t be any type of demotivation. This is the reason the attention is consistently on accomplishment and the achievement of new objectives. Content †The game highlights are added to the instructive framework instead of the emphasis being on content, for example, with conventional games or game-based learning. This is the reason gamification ordinarily has inside and out storylines, which makes it a simpler and less tedious framework to actualize. Objective †The fundamental focus on gamification is for the members to gather focuses as a type of remuneration. This is in direct diverge from games or game-based learning, as these types of training have carefully characterized learning goals or even no target by any stretch of the imagination. Gamification, consequently, has a more extensive and progressively adaptable learning style that implies understudies can create information instead of quickly halting once a specific objective has been reached. For additional subtleties there is a helpful infographic that shows the significant contrasts between gamification, games and game-like exercises. In More Detail  By now you will have a superior picture and comprehension of what gamification truly is from a general perspective. This is a decent beginning and will currently permit us to move the concentration to not what it is, but instead why today is significant and noteworthy in training. Before we take a gander at why gamification has gotten generally utilized and what the advantages are, we should initially analyze a short history of this hypothesis. The primary case of gamification came in 1896 when stamps were offered to retailers and afterward used to compensate faithful clients. This was totally kicked off by advertisers that guaranteed incredible achievement and results in fortifying purchasing conduct and friends commitment. During the 70s the hypothesis started to shape with Thomas Malone distributing, â€Å"What Makes Things Fun to Learn: A Study of Intrinsically Motivating Computer Games†in 1980. After this work was distributed organizations, for example, American Airlines, Holiday Inn and National Car Rental, started executing reward frameworks for their clients. While gamification has been available from that point forward, it was not until Nick Pelling authored the official term in 2003. For organizations, buyers and deep rooted students, gamification is presently a standard methodology and a lifestyle with help and subsidizing from numerous official bodies. To lay things out plainly, the development of gamification has set up a spot in both the workforce and training since it has been demonstrated to be fruitful, regardless of whether it is with customers picking up remunerations for flying habitually or understudies accomplishing better test outcomes. The explanation behind this achievement is because of the way that this methodology makes any undertaking increasingly intelligent and basically fun loving. This incorporates: Giving Goals. This offers the purchaser or the understudy a stage or a level to get to. This implies there is a visual advancement all through the procedure. Keeping The Participant Motivated. Having objectives is a decent method to remain inspired. This, matched with having the option to get rewards, keeps the student or the purchaser intrigued and spurred to keep on concentrating on the assignment. Steady Rewards. What is better than getting prizes for your work or for your devotion? This gives genuine incentive to any advance that is being made.  In these ways, gamification can make much else pleasant and guide clients into a procedure of learning. This implies shoppers will be bound to purchase from one organization or purchase all the more frequently as they are being remunerated for doing as such. Understudies will receive distinctive instructive rewards. What Teachers Can Expect From Gamification Similar rules that are applied to gamification in any setting can be effectively utilized in the study hall. The quality of this hypothesis in schools is something that can make cooperative energy between study hall learning as concentrated on by the educator and study hall picking up turning into a concentration for understudies. Hardly any understudies would state that the ordinary homeroom setting is fun loving or pleasant. Gamification is something that changes that by giving understudies the objectives and prizes as recently referenced, however this can likewise have enduring constructive outcomes in different territories. This procedure will: Propel understudies to turn out to be progressively included, Give educators better instruments for instructing and for giving out proper prizes, Urge understudies to introduce their full limit with respect to learning consistently. Gamification shows understudies that learning can be increasingly intuitive, they can get awards to offer an incentive to their work and that formal and casual instructive settings can consolidate for extraordinary outcomes. Instructors can anticipate that their understudies should be increasingly self-spurred in the study hall. As opposed to pulling teeth to get understudies to plunk down and work through issues, they will need to move in the direction of objectives and arrive at those accomplishments all alone. Evacuating a few parts of having a proper learning condition can be very gainful as in understudies won't really see the gamification perspectives as uninteresting yet rather will take part in dynamic learning. While prompt advantages are normally observed by instructors in the manner understudies see the study hall, in their methodology and their outcomes, there are different points of interest to consider that will follow the understudies all through their learning vocation and life. These include: Current Life Skills It is particularly significant for understudies to pick up the abilities important for them to go into the 21st century as effective residents. This implies giving understudies access to innovation and projects that will show them the genuine circumstances. Understudies will build up another structure for understanding the errands around them and their school condition through gamification and having the option to work inside a prize framework like many work circumstances. More profound Understanding This hypothesis will advance a superior comprehension of issues and arrangements. Gamification assists understudies with understanding which issues should be fixed, make frameworks of reasoning that will advance an answer and keep up the viability of those arrangements. Understudies will have the option to be inventive all through this procedure and this is effectively supported. Advance Creative Thinking Students can explore more as they learn. By testing the guidelines and the jobs they are a piece of, understudies will have the option to comprehend the limits of the circumstance and of their learning. This advances more familiarity with the student’s self and capacities. Love of Learning The energized long lasting quest for learning is another reaction of presenting gamification and utilizing it as a device in the homeroom. Understudies will no longer discover learning a dull encounter yet rather something to be drawn nearer with the goal to accomplish an objective and become a superior individual by and large. Connecting with the Learner Gamification, whenever actualized accurately, makes training additionally captivating and charming. The learning condition can be increasingly inventive, lively and free as understudies have the game-like highlights of their training advancing a subject in a progressively absorbable way. The potential for gamification by and by and the outcomes can be interminable relying upon how it is utilized and executed. On the off chance that these reasons are insufficient for you to become put resources into this strategy then we have included instances of explicit learning projects and methodology that have been demonstrated to be successful in the study hall.  The Success Stories  Gamification can be a helpful study hall instrument that will support a student’s common want to learn by giving them fascinating materials and undertakings with parts of games incorporated with them. The adequacy of this training technique has been demonstrated on numerous occasions. Here are some critical models: The World Peace Game. This is a political reenactment for the study hall that is down based yet is even more a situation task for understudies to complete. Made by John Hunter in Virginia, this rendition of gamification is intended to instruct the youngsters about being a piece of the worldwide network and the multifaceted nature of connections between various countries around the world.How accomplishes it work? The tea
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mrs. Fields Cookies Growth Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mrs. Fields Cookies Growth - Case Study Example The data framework arranged for Mrs. Fields’ Cookies was really founded on the ‘fit’ between the hierarchical structure, culture and the authoritative objectives. It was constructed particularly for the activities of Mrs. Field’s Cookies inside a given business advertise (new heated treats) and it tended to the necessities and prerequisites of the firm in determining request, envisioning deals, allotting assets, following deals records and estimating the presentation of every one of the various outlets. Aside from these, the data the board framework was additionally furnished with ‘strategic intelligence’ in helping directors (local or senior supervisors) settling on choices quick without sitting around managing administrative work or any bureaucratic methodology. As a rule, the data framework the executives approach attempted by Mrs. Field’s Cookies was very upgrading and encouraged the development and extension of the firm as it empowe red Debbi and Randy to keep up control from one perspective through centralization of activities and the board. Simultaneously, in any case, representatives were left to accomplish work that was basic for business development and which included essentially the advancement of deals. The Acquisition of La Petite Boulangerie Within the development methodology of Mrs. Treats Fields’, expansion was endeavored through the securing of La Petite Boulangerie (LPB). Randy and Debbi show that obtaining as a superb method of utilizing advertising openings by benefiting from their image name (as indicated by the contextual investigation â€Å"the Mrs. Fields' name was demographically entrenched, and Randy accepted whatever they put it on would sell†) and by broadening the idea of a straightforward treat store to expanding into a ‘combination’ store (plunk down bistro). In embraced LPB, Randy and Debbi looked to additionally animate the development of the firm by broade ning its underlying business and contributions. Their desires were essentially determined by two factors: the main factor identifies with the way that Mrs. Field’s Cookies was a development arranged organization and accordingly openings offered were immediately gotten a handle on (regardless of the way that in the early years Debbi was somewhat hesitant in development on account of her apparent control misfortune). Notwithstanding that, Mrs. Fields’ Cookies had just obtained different firms previously (inside the extension procedure program) and had figured out how to effectively join them into the business structure, theory, and culture of the organization (as on account of the Famous Chocolate Chip Company).â
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Negative Side Effects of Antidepressants
Negative Side Effects of Antidepressants Depression Treatment Medication Print Negative Effects of Antidepressants By Nancy Schimelpfening Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be. Learn about our editorial policy Nancy Schimelpfening Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 13, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 24, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids Joe Raedle / Staff / Getty Images In This Article Table of Contents Expand Coping With Side Effects Consult Your Doctor Common Side Effects Serious Side Effects When to Call 911 View All All medications, including antidepressants, can produce unwanted negative effects that we refer to as side effects. How to Deal With Side Effects Some of these negative effects may be quite mild while others may be more severe. In addition, they may go away or become less severe in time. If you experience problems with side effects, you should mention these to your doctor as he or she may be able to either give you strategies for coping with the side effects or prescribe a different antidepressant for you that has fewer or more tolerable side effects. Consult Your Doctor Keep in mind, however, that it is never a good idea to stop taking your antidepressant without first discussing it with your doctor. An unpleasant set of symptoms known as discontinuation syndrome may occur if you stop taking your medication too abruptly. These symptoms include electric shock sensations, tingling, vivid dreams, hallucinations, sweating, muscle pain, blurred vision, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, agitation, upset stomach, and fatigue.?? Its always best to taper off of your antidepressant very slowly with your doctors guidance. This gives your brain time to get used to the changes and you will notice fewer effects if you stick with your doctors plan. Common Side Effects Some of the more common negative effects that many patients experience with antidepressants include dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, sexual side effects, weight gain, constipation, insomnia, dry mouth, nausea, feeling numb, and anxiety.?? Your doctor will be able to offer you appropriate coping strategies for many of these or may also be able to make changes in your dose or transition you to a different medication that you can better tolerate. Serious Side Effects While many of the most common side effects are not cause for excessive concern, there are certainly rare, but more serious side effects, that you should be aware of. Among these are: Serotonin Syndrome This side effect is linked to the use of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Serotonin syndrome occurs when a neurochemical in the brain called serotonin reaches dangerously high levels. It is generally triggered when an SSRI or SNRI medication is used in combination with a second medication that also affects serotonin levels, such as another antidepressant.?? Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include confusion, agitation, muscle twitching, sweating, shivering, and diarrhea. In addition, severe cases may include symptoms such as a very high fever, seizures, irregular heartbeat, and unconsciousness. If a person begins to exhibit any of the above symptoms, medical care should be sought immediately as this condition can be life-threatening. Hyponatremia Hyponatremia is a condition in which the sodium, or salt, levels in the blood fall to abnormally low levels. When this happens, dangerous amounts of fluid can build up inside the bodys cells. This side effect can occur with SSRIs because these drugs can potentially impact the effects of a hormone involved in regulating sodium and fluid levels within the body. Older people may be especially prone to hyponatremia.?? Mild cases of hyponatremia can cause symptoms such as feeling ill, headache, muscle pain, loss of appetite and confusion. In more severe cases, people may also experience such symptoms as listlessness and fatigue, disorientation, agitation, psychosis, and seizures. In addition, hyponatremia has the potential to lead to coma or death. People who experience even mild symptoms of hyponatremia should seek immediate medical care. Suicidal Thoughts You should be aware that when youre first starting an antidepressant, you may experience a temporary worsening of your depression and potentially even increased thoughts of suicide. Studies indicate that this may be especially true for people younger than age 25.?? If you, or someone you are caring for, experience any worsening of depression, increased thoughts of suicide or death or unusual changes in behavior in the first weeks after starting a new antidepressant, it is important to get medical assistance immediately. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. Allergic Reactions Allergic reactions can occur with antidepressants, either because a person is allergic to the active ingredient of the medication or because he or she is allergic to the dyes, fillers or other inactive ingredients present in the pill or capsule. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include swelling, itchy rash, hives, blisters or difficulty breathing.?? A severe allergic reaction can become life-threatening if it blocks a persons ability to breathe. Medical help should be sought for an allergic reaction, especially if there is swelling in the face or breathing difficulty. Mania In people who are susceptible to bipolar disorder, medications like antidepressants can potentially trigger an episode of mania.?? Symptoms of mania include increased energy and activity, problems with sleeping, racing thoughts, impulsive behavior, grandiose thinking, extreme elevation of mood, irritability, and pressured speech. While mania is not necessarily life-threatening, it will require medical assistance to treat. Seizures Certain antidepressants can increase a persons risk of having a seizure. In some cases, a seizure may be triggered by a person who has never had one before. Most antidepressants do not increase seizure risk, although Wellbutrin (bupropion) is the antidepressant that is most likely to trigger one.?? Certain older antidepressants called tricyclics can increase a persons seizure risk as well. Generally, the newer antidepressants are less likely to trigger seizures. Seizures involve such symptoms as uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, staring spells, confusion, abnormal sensations and loss of consciousness. All seizures should be reported to a doctor. If it is the first time a person has had a seizure then emergency services should be summoned. When to Call 911 A seizure lasts more than five minutesThe person does not wake upAnother seizure begins immediately afterwardThe seizure occurs in waterThe person is pregnant, injured or has diabetesThere is anything unusual about the seizure compared to others that the person has had before
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Chaining Forward and Chaining Backwards
When teaching life skills such as dressing, grooming or perhaps even cooking, a special educator often has to break down the task to be taught in small discrete steps. The first step for teaching a life skill is to complete a task analysis. Once the task analysis is complete, the teacher needs to decide how it is to be taught: chaining forward, or chaining backward? Chaining Whenever we do a complete, multistep task, we complete the component parts in a specific order (though there can be some flexibility.) We start at some point and complete each step, one step at a time. Since these tasks are sequential we refer to teaching them step-by-step as chaining. Chaining Forward When chaining forward, the instructional program starts with the beginning of the task sequence. After each step is mastered, instruction begins at the next step. Depending on how severely a students abilities are compromised by their disability will depend on what level of support the student will need for each step of instruction. If a child is unable to learn the step by having it modeled and then imitating it, it may be necessary to provide hand over hand prompting, fading instructional prompting to verbal and then gestural prompts. As each step is mastered, the student completes the step after begin given a verbal command (prompt?) and then begins instruction in the next step. Each time the student has completed the part of the tasks they have he or she has mastered, the instructor will complete the other steps, either modeling or hand over handing the tasks in the order you will be teaching the student. An Example of Chaining Forward Angela is pretty severely cognitively disabled. She is learning life skills with therapeutic support staff (TSS) aid provided by the county mental health organization. Rene (her aide) is working on teaching her independent grooming skills. She can wash her hands independently, with the simple command, Angela, its time to wash your hand. Wash your hands. She has just begun to learn how to brush her teeth. She will follow this forward chain: Angela gets the pink toothbrush from her cup and the toothpaste from the top vanity drawer.When she has mastered this step, she will unscrew the cap, she will wet the bristles and put the paste on the bristles.When she has mastered opening the toothpaste and squirting it on the brush, the child needs to open his, her mouth wide and begin to brush the top teeth. I would divide this into several steps and teach it over a couple of weeks: Up and down on the bottom and top on the side opposite the dominant hand, up and down on the same side, up and down in front and back of the front teeth. Once the whole sequence is mastered, the student can move on to:Rinsing the toothpaste out, front and back. This step will have to be modeled: there is no way to hand over hand this skill.Replace the toothpaste cap, put the cap, brush and rinsing cup away. An Example of Backward Chaining Jonathon, aged 15, lives at a residential facility. One of the goals in his residential IEP is to do his own laundry. In his facility, there is a two to one ratio of staff to students, so Rahul is the evening staff member for Jonathon and Andrew. Andrew is also 15, and also has a laundry goal, so Rahul has Andrew watch as Jonathon does his laundry on Wednesday, and Andrew does his laundry on Friday. Chaining Laundry Backwards Rahul completes each of the steps Jonathon will need to complete the laundry, modeling and reciting each step. i.e. First we separate the colors and the whites.Next we will put the dirty whites in the washing machine.Now we measure the soap (Rahul might choose to have Jonathon open the soap container if twisting off lids is one of Jonathons already acquired skills.)Now we choose the water temperature. Hot for whites, cold for colors.Now we turn the dial to regular wash.Now we close the lid and pull out the dial.Rahul gives Jonathon a couple of choices for waiting: Looking at books? Playing a game on the iPad? He may also stop Jonathon from his game and check out where the machine is in the process.Oh, the machine is done spinning. Lets put the wet clothing in the dryer.Lets set the drying for 60 minutes.(When the buzzer goes off.) Is the laundry dry? Lets feel it? Yes, lets take it out and fold it. At this point, Jonathon would assist in taking the dry laundry out of the dryer. With assistance, he would fold the clothing, matching socks and stacking white underwear and t-shirts in the correct pile s. In backward chaining, Jonathon would observe Rahul do the laundry and would begin by assisting with removing the laundry and folding it. When he has reached an acceptable level of independence (I wouldnt demand perfection) you would back up, and have Jonathon set the dryer and push the start button. After that is mastered, he would back up to removing the wet clothing from the washer and putting it in the dryer. The purpose of backward chaining is the same as that of forward chaining: to help the student gain independence and mastery in a skill that he or she can use for the rest of their life. Whether you, as the practitioner, choose forward or backward chaining will depend on the childs strengths and your perception of where the student will be most successful. His or her success is the real measure of the most effective way to chain, either forward, or backward.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Causes of Teen Pregnancy Free Essays
Causes of Teen Pregnancy Lack of sex education is the most important but not the only cause of teenage pregnancy. Following are some other teenage pregnancy causes that can not be ignored. First is the psychological factors. We will write a custom essay sample on Causes of Teen Pregnancy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The immature and irresponsible behavior arising due to complex teenage psychology is another important cause of teenage pregnancies. Teenagers often go through a number of emotions because of their own transition from childhood and peer pressure. In addition, weak family relationships fail to provide the emotional support that teenagers require. This lack of attention and affection from family resulting in depression forces them to seek love and support from other people, especially members of the opposite sex. The next cause of teen pregnancy is the adolescent sexual behavior. As adolescence marks the onset of sexual maturity, it is but obvious that both the sexes show interest in and explore the much hyped topics of sex, thank to the irresponsible and careless approach of mass media. This makes them vulnerable to teenage sex and pregnancy without adequate sex education. Lack of sexual education causes teens to get abortions as they ultimately realize their inability to bear the responsibilities of being a parent at such a young age. The another cause is lack of discipline and control. Factors like alcohol and substance abuse accompanied by unrestricted interaction with the opposite sex can ignite the sparks of lust and passion in youngsters very easily ultimately leading to teenage pregnancy. Nonetheless, at times, parents put too many restrictions of their children, especially girls to protect them from dangers. This overprotection gives rise to frustration and a feeling of not being loved and cared for. Thus, balance is the key to avoid this problem. Moreover, sexual abuse of teenage girls is also one of the most disgraceful causes of teenage pregnancy. Sexual relationships between teenage girls and older men are more likely to end up in teenage pregnancy as compared to sexual relationships between teenage boys and girls. Last but not least is the socio-economic factors. Childhood environment, lower educational and income levels have also been associated with high rates of teenage pregnancy because of negligence towards birth control methods. How to cite Causes of Teen Pregnancy, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leadership and Teambuilding- Free-Samples-
Question: Summarize the results of the relevant self-assessments in your learning journal. Answer: Leadership Leadership is viewed differently by different people globally and occurs under different circumstances. Individual have been part of leadership in some way. Leadership is the ability to lead. Leadership can be inborne as well as acquired through practice. For example, it could be political related, community, religious or organizational leadership. Despite its ubiquity, leadership plays an important role in all aspects of todays society. Research exploring about leadership has been discussed by theorist and practitioners in the past decades. In fact, writers have in their lifetime been striving to identify characteristics of what good leadership is. By late 1960s, it evidently became clear that no exclusive leadership style for all situations was available. There are historical definitions of leadership as well as theories. Older theories are addressed by three level model which include Public, Private and Personal leadership. Scouller (2011), referred Public leadership as the simultaneous actions that leaders take to influence a group of people and Private leadership as dealing with individual separately due to their diverse characteristics, while Personal leadership as the overall behavior of a leader. According to Gachter et all., (2012), in order to reach an ultimate goal, a leader works closely and alongside those they lead. Therefore, in the following paragraphs, I will discuss various areas pertaining to leade rship in an organization. In regard to companies, leadership is determined by culture and goals that are set by an organization. Organization offer different leadership styles depending on tasks allocated to different departments and their needs; Autocratic, Participative, Transactional and Transformational. However, to understand how effective leadership is achieved, the problems in an organization have implications and must be addressed through training. Participative leadership, values the contribution of all the stakeholders but the final decision rests entirely to the participative leader. The missions in an organization are defined by leaders, but leaders must as well coordinate all activities and motive others to achieve the mission requirements. Additionally, the interaction between the team leader and the team must be constant. The efforts of the members are appreciated and respected by their leaders. This serves as an indication that a team is comprised of a leader and his team mates who are supportive and committed towards achieving their objectives. Mullins Constable (2013) states that it is important for team work in an institution. Transactional leadership, rewards or punishes team members based on how they perform. For example, an organization rewarding employee of the year by given them vouchers to shop anywhere that suits them best. Managers using transactional leadership must be in a position to formulate a plan and implement the plan that works in the systems that are already in existence within an institution and which leads to motivating others. As a result, employees who are motivated by their leaders show creativity enhancement. However, the relationship between the leaders and employees become tense when leaders adopt the behavior of monitoring and controlling employees (Zhou Ren, 2011). Transformational leadership, depends on the level of communication from the management to employees. Hence, for the success of an institution, communication is paramount. The discussions and debates surrounding transformational leadership are still ongoing but just to mention a few. Transformational leaders stimulate interest among employees, motivate and empower them. Transformational leadership looks at ways leaders motivate employees through communication and engaging them in the process of work. Sarros et al. (2008), indicates that transformational leadership is connected with environment and that it contributes in transforming behaviors, activates identification as well as social identification with the group. For example, a leader delegates smaller tasks while they focus on the bigger picture within the organization. Autocratic leadership, managers possess the authority and impose strict rules on employees. They are the final decision makers without the contribution of others. It is characterized by controlling, self-centered, and close-minded style of leadership (Bass, 2009). For example, Cuba is under autocratic leadership. In conclusion, leadership is dynamic and it is based on the relationship between the leaders and followers. However, for leadership growth and development, it is important to be aware of the weaknesses and strengths of a leader. Leaders, on the other hand, must learn how to motivate their employees. References Bass, B. M., Bass, R. (2009). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications. New York: Simon Schuster Gchter, S., Nosenzo, D., Renner, E., Sefton, M. (2012). Who Makes a Good Leader? Cooperativeness, Optimism, and Leading?By?Example.Economic Inquiry,50(4), 953-967. Mullins, C. and Constable, G. (2013). Leadership and teambuilding in primary care. Oxford: Radcliffe. Sarros, J.C., B.K. Cooper and J.C. Santora, 2008. Building a climate for innovation through transformational leadership and organizational culture. J. Leadership Organ. Stud., 15: 145-158 Scouller, J. (2011).The three levels of leadership: How to develop your leadership presence, knowhow, and skill. Management Books 2000. Zhou, J. and R. Ren, 2011. Striving for Creativity: Building Positive Context in the Workplace. In: Cameron, K.S. and G.M. Spreitzer (Eds.), Ch. 8, the Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship. Oxford University Press, Oxford
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